WorkPool Features
Office & Communications Manager
The traditional intranet, bulletin board or public discussion forum are often ineffective and underutilized tools, because they are costly and time-consuming to maintain, and information is therefore frequently out-of-date. As is the case with email, people forget, or just don’t have time to read the intranet and as a result, neglect to act on important information. WorkPool will ensure that everyone in your team is informed of the latest news, events and announcements. WorkPool provides you with an easy, self-maintaining solution to structure your announcements, reduce administration and prevent information overload.
- Publish articles, documents, clippings or photographs.
- Automated content maintenance for old items.
- Create multiple forums (per community, team or department).
- A documented history of all events in the company.
- Manage environments under change management.
- Link your existing Intranet or homepage to WorkPool.